Looking to make your wedding eco-friendly?

Here are some sustainable ideas for an Eco-Friendly Wedding.  Many of us are looking for more and more ways to live Eco-friendly.  Including on our wedding day.  With this in mind, I decided to write this blog to give you some ideas of how you can do this even on your wedding day.

Make your own re-usable decorations

Many of the gifts and decorations at weddings end up being plastic, after the event, they get thrown away or put somewhere in the depths of a cupboard never to be seen or used again.

Swap up those plastic balloons for something biodegradable.  Use recycled glass bottles to fill with flowers as centerpieces.  Use dried flowers from your own or friends/neighbors.

There are also many companies that specialize in eco-friendly decorations if you don’t want to make your own.

Make your own wedding favours

Think about how you make your wedding favors eco-friendly.   Think about handmade soaps and homemade candles.  You could make homemade chocolates or cookies.  Even give the gift of seeds or bulbs for your guests to plant and always think of your wedding as the flowers grow.

Wedding stationary

There are so many things you can do to have an Eco-Friendly Wedding.  With stationary, you can use recycled paper and card for the invites.  Make sure to avoid anything like glitter making them unrecyclable afterwards.

Many have chosen to do their invites now by e-mail, with a website for their wedding needs.  The guests RSVP on the website and choose their choice of food etc.  Making for a lot less paper.

Your wedding flowers

If your are someone with a green thumb then maybe you can grow your own wedding flowers.  

If you aren’t then you can make sure from the florist that your flowers are locally grown and in season.  Not from a wholesaler or shipped from abroad. 

For the table flowers instead of cut flowers.. maybe you could use potted ones?  And gift them a home after with the guests that are leaving.  Or have them all in your own home to grow and remember the day by.

Eco-Friendly Wedding

Next day or after reception Transportation

You have planned the transport to get to your venue.  That was high up on your list.  But many couples forget to think about the next day.  How are you getting back home from the venue if you are staying?

If you are not staying then how are you getting back from the venue in the evening?  Don’t leave it to call a taxi at 1am… make sure you have it pre-booked and waiting.

Candle light

If your venue is happy candlelight or even fairy lights can be a great way to light your wedding without using all the power of big chandlers or full-on lighting. 

It really depends on the venue but it can be beautiful and atmospheric way to enjoy your wedding.

Writing your Own Wedding Vows

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